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The Student Experience

Lori’s Hands student volunteers are paired together to make weekly visits to community members living with chronic conditions. Students help with a range of day-to-day activities and learn from clients about the realities of living with a chronic illness.

Become A Volunteer

Here are some of the benefits students have realized through their involvement:

  • Insight into and empathy for the human experience of living with a chronic condition
  • Improved communication skills
  • Deeper understanding of and connection to the local community
  • Job shadowing and better awareness of health care in action (e.g. home-based physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, nursing, etc.)
  • Service hours applicable to current or future academic and professional activities and pursuits


of students feel confident in their ability to effectively communicate with older people they don't know personally


of students feel connected to the people who live in the community surrounding their university's campus


of students feel knowledgeable about challenges with day-to-day activities that affect people living with chronic illness



My Wednesdays with Gary have become one of my most special experiences within college, and I am forever thankful that we had crossed paths in a way I had never seen coming.


Lori’s Hands has shaped the way that I view myself and my community. I have met such wonderful people through this program, many of whom live ten minutes away from my dorm. I now understand my community on a deeper level, and my connection to it grows stronger with every Lori’s Hands visit.


Lori’s Hands has taught me that friendship knows no age. From eating apples at the kitchen table to telling stories on the couch, every visit with Tom has been a memorable one. Lori’s Hands is to thank for a friendship that has had countless positive impacts on us both, and one that will surely last beyond the club!


I feel so satisfied after I visit my client. Little things mean a lot, and sometimes something as simple as a friendly conversation can put a smile on their face (and mine). Just seeing my client’s face light up when I walk in makes me know I am exactly where I should be!

Interested in becoming a Lori’s Hands student volunteer? Sign up today!