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Veggie Burrito

Yields 4 burritos

I know in my family, tortilla wraps have always been a staple. They are great for a variety of dishes, but my favorite are burritos. I do not always use the same vegetables and ingredients, as I like to keep it interesting, so feel free to substitute to your preferences. I find the combination of sweet potato, black beans, and corn is super tasty though, so if you have access to these ingredients give it a try! I tend to use frozen corn and broccoli, but prefer to have fresh sweet potato. Any toppings and condiments can be added to this recipe. Sriracha mayo can be found at any grocery story, but if you do not have it, you can either choose to leave it out of the recipe entirely, or you can mix a tablespoon of mayo with your favorite hot sauce.


1 large sweet potato, chopped

1 medium onion, sliced

1 can black beans (or other beans)

1 cup corn (fresh, frozen, or canned)

1 head broccoli

1 tbsp taco seasoning

2 tbsp olive oil

4 Tortilla wraps

Salt and pepper (to taste)

Cilantro (optional)

Lime juice (optional)

Sour cream (optional)

Sriracha Mayo (optional)



In a large pan, heat olive oil or other vegetable oil to medium heat and add your sweet potato. Cook until softened and then add in your onion and broccoli. Let that saute until the onion cooks down and becomes translucent. Add in your corn, black beans, and taco seasoning and cook for about two more minutes.

For each tortilla wrap, spread about a ½ Tbsp of sriracha mayo on and then add the veggies. Top with cilantro, lime juice, and sour cream.

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