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In light of COVID-19 recommendations for older adults and people with serious chronic medical conditions to restrict contact with crowds, we’re piloting a Pen Pals program! Sign up to be a letter-writer and we will match you with a Lori’s Hands client Pen Pal:

What was the impetus for starting the Green Ribbon Pen Pals program now? The CDC has advised that older adults and people with serious chronic medical conditions restrict contact with crowds and, in general, limit unnecessary engagement with the public. These are important recommendations to limit the risk of infection for people with vulnerable immune systems. However, these recommendations also place many of our Lori’s Hands clients at increased risk for loneliness and isolation which in turn increase risk of heart disease, depression and mortality. We are supporting our clients through this challenging time with continued in-person or virtual visits from students as appropriate, as well as financial support with essentials and nice-to-haves like temporary meal delivery service through our Sunny Day Fund. In addition, we are launching our new Green Ribbon Pen Pals program to promote social connections.

How does Green Ribbon Pen Pals work?
We have identified several clients who would enjoy receiving letters from YOU, our Lori’s Hands students, clients, and supporters. When you sign up to be a member of our Pen Pals Program we ask that you commit to mailing a letter to your Pen Pal about once/week for the next several weeks. That’s it – just a good old-fashioned way to make connections and brighten someone’s day! Sign up today and we will connect you with a Pen Pal as soon as we identify a match for you. Please see additional details in the “program description” section of the sign-up form.

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