Our Awards & Honors
Reverend Melvin B. Tuggle Community Excellence Award
Governor's Outstanding Volunteer Award
Research Reports
Evaluating the Economic Impact of an Innovative Community-Based Volunteer Model
Lori’s Hands Generates Value by Reducing Social Isolation: Lori’s Hands improves health outcomes and generates economic value by reducing social isolation through its innovative community-based volunteer model, leading to lower service utilization—including a reduced risk of nursing home admission—which translates into substantial cost savings for Medicare and Medicaid.
Understanding benefits of a college student-homebound adult partnership program to support aging in place: An exploratory study
This exploratory study sought to understand the proximal benefits of an intergenerational program in Delaware that connected homebound individuals with college students. Findings yielded seven unique themes: emotional fulfillment, special feelings of support from a rare “unconditional” relationship, assistance with tasks, close connection with someone not ordinarily met, intergenerational understanding, someone to talk to, and appreciation.
The Journal of Gerontological Social Work: The Impact of an Intergenerational Service Learning Program on Psychological Distress for Homebound Older Adults
Written by Lori’s Hands board, staff, and academic partners at Eastern Michigan University, this study examined the benefits of an intergenerational home-based service learning program to reduce psychological distress for homebound older adults. Findings indicated length of service and having a child as a caregiver were associated with a reduction in psychological distress.
UD CRESP Final Program Report: Integrating Lori’s Hands into Home-Based Primary Care Services
We worked with the University of Delaware’s Center for Research in Education and Social Policy (CRESP) to understand the impact of our pilot program with ChristianaCare’s Primary Care at Home team.
Innovation in Aging: Impact of Intergenerational Service Learning on Psychological Distress for Homebound Older Adults During COVID
Written by Lori’s Hands board members, staff, and partners from Eastern Michigan University, this article evaluates the impact of Lori’s Hands services on psychological distress among homebound older adults. The results suggest that intergenerational in-home support services can help reduce psychological distress for homebound older adults.
Delaware Journal of Public Health: Aging in Place: Are We Prepared?
Written by Lori’s Hands staff, an alumna, and a current student leader for the August 2022 DJPH “Place Matters” issue, this article highlights some of the benefits and challenges to aging in place, discusses the individual and system-level strategies that are needed to help older adults successfully age in place, and provides an overview of one creative solution that addresses instrumental and social needs among individuals aging in place with chronic illness.
Journal of Social Work Education: Supporting Homebound Older Adults and Caregivers Through Integrative Service Learning
Written in collaboration with faculty partners from Hunter and Eastern Michigan University, this May 2022 research article describes the Lori’s Hands integrative service learning model which can serve older adults and caregivers while offering valuable pedagogical experiences to baccalaureate students, along with strategies for curriculum building, community engagement, research and evaluation, and program sustainability.
UD CRESP Evaluation: Impact on Participating Clients
We initiated a partnership with the University of Delaware’s Center for Research in Education and Social Policy (CRESP) to understand the impact of our program on participating clients.
UD CRESP Evaluation: Impact on Participating Students
This impact evaluation paralleled the collaboration between us and UD CRESP to evaluate the impact of our program on participating students.
2020 Gerontological Society of America Annual Conference
At the 2020 Gerontological Society of America Conference, our community-academic partnership team presented statistical findings from 109 clients’ UCLA Loneliness Scale.