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The winter/spring semester has gotten off to a great start for both new and returning Lori’s Hands participants! Madison, Grace, and Dave have been building an intergenerational friendship in Newark, Delaware together since the spring of 2021. The strong bond between this student pair and their client has only deepened over time, and Grace reflected: “I feel like this year, we’ve been closer and it’s more natural helping him.” Dave, who has been a Lori’s Hands client since 2016, told us: “I look forward to the visits. The students help me out with a lot of things like making the bed, doing dishes and helping with lunch.” Madison shared that the best part of their weekly visits is “being able to make a difference in Dave’s day, no matter how minor it is, and to see the impact of what companionship can do.”

Thank you to Madison, Grace, and Dave for sharing their story with us, and to the Lori’s Hands community for making intergenerational friendships like this one possible!