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Nikita Favarolo spoke to us recently about her volunteer experience with Lori’s Hands while she was a student at the University of Delaware. As an out-of-state student, Nikita, who went on to earn a B.S. in psychology at Stony Brook University, found her connection to the greater Newark community through weekly client visits with Lori’s Hands. Read on to find out how volunteering with Lori’s Hands during college got Nikita out of the UD “bubble” and why she recently decided to become a sustaining donor. Thank you, Nikita, for joining our special community of monthly givers, and for sharing your memories of volunteering with Lori’s Hands with us!


What’s your connection to Lori’s Hands?

I started volunteering on a weekly basis through Lori’s Hands when I was a freshman at UD. I knew I wanted to become even more involved and applied for a position as a Student Officer. I was excited to be given the opportunity to help with visual communications (in terms of publicizing various LH events on campus) and to give my input alongside the other Student Officers and Club Advisor on some of the behind the scenes work!

What do you do now?
After graduating with my Bachelors of Science degree in Psychology, I decided to take some time to strengthen my resume and save for grad school. I currently work as a server as well as a certified nursing assistant where I am gaining patient care experience.

What do you think is most important about Lori’s Hands’ work?
Volunteering through Lori’s Hands definitely fulfills a strong sense of community for both the volunteer and client. As an out of state student, my involvement of being able to directly engage with clients and form significant interpersonal relationships strengthened that feeling of connectedness as well as that true home away from home feeling in Newark. I believe it’s also safe to say that same feeling goes coming from the client’s perspective. I’ve learned a little can go a long way, and a weekly visit of an hour at minimum gives the client the reassurance that they are indeed heard and have support.

Can you tell us your favorite story or experience with Lori’s Hands?
Generally speaking, my favorite part of the Lori’s Hands experience is that it brings awareness to students by allowing them to step out of their own “bubble” on campus and gain a first hand experience of their client’s day to day life in the face of their chronic illness. From helping Alice in the kitchen with her cooking, assisting Harry with his weekly grocery shopping, to sitting with Linda and losing track of time chatting – I always walked away with something I needed reminding of.

Why did you choose to become a sustaining donor?
Again, a little can go a long way! It’s been super exciting to see how much Lori’s Hands has grown since I was enrolled at UD and I’m happy to pay it forward as they continue to expand. I so value what they stand for and hope to achieve long term, so becoming a sustainer wasn’t much of a question.


Will you join Nikita in helping Lori’s Hands expand its impact? Become a sustainer today, and help us reach our goal of 100 Sustainers in 2022: