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Join us in congratulating the Lori’s Hands student volunteers in the class of 2022! In this post, we honor some of the graduating students from the University of Delaware who volunteered with us this year. We are so grateful to these students for the time they dedicated to volunteering with Lori’s Hands, and we hope they will treasure the friendships they formed with their clients long after graduation day! Read on to learn more about each of these students (as pictured left to right in each row above): their majors, future plans, and what they appreciate most about their experience with Lori’s Hands!

Taylor Dermond, Nutrition and Medical Sciences, with a Minor in Biological Sciences

Taylor found volunteering with Lori’s Hands a truly meaningful part of her college experience, saying: “They are memories I will never forget!” Taylor will soon be heading off to attend the University of Pittsburgh School Of Dental Medicine.

Curtis Morris Aiken III, Communication

Curtis says he has appreciated “learning about the people in my community” as a student volunteer with Lori’s Hands. Curtis plans on working at a film studio after graduation.

Jess Johnson, Medical Diagnostics

Jess has expressed gratitude for her experience volunteering with Lori’s Hands during college, saying, “I feel as though I am receiving as much service as I am providing when the day of volunteering rolls around.” She plans on working as a clinical research assistant after graduation, and wherever her next chapter leads, Jess says, “I have become a more patient and present version of myself through my involvement [in Lori’s Hands] at UD, and cannot wait to use this strength in whatever roles I will hold in the future.”

Erin Felter, Cognitive Science with a specialization in Speech-Language Pathology with Minors in Psychology, Disability Studies, Human Development, and Family Sciences

We wish Erin all the best as she heads off to University of Pittsburgh to obtain a Master’s degree in speech-language pathology. Erin says that in volunteering with Lori’s Hands, she “learned so much about how capable individuals with disabilities are and how involved they can be in their community as long as we help provide the tools and resources they need in order to do so.”

Mary Luciano, Nursing, with a Minor in Disability Studies

Mary told us, “I am so thankful to have been a part of such an amazing organization and am looking forward to keeping in touch with my Lori’s Hands client for years to come!” Mary will soon be taking the NCLEX and then heading to a nurse residency program in an emergency department in New Jersey!

Juli Aviles, Pre-Veterinary Medicine

Of her time spent volunteering with Lori’s Hands, Juli said: “I look forward to visiting my clients every week and will miss them dearly once I graduate.” Juli also shared that as a result of participating in the program, “my communication skills have been strengthened and I am much more knowledgeable about chronic illnesses and the struggles people face when dealing with illnesses.” After graduation, Juli will continue her studies at Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine!

Joan Caron, Medical Diagnostics with a Pre-PA Concentration, with Minors in Forensic Science and Genetic Counseling

Before continuing her education, Joan will be taking a gap year working full time in a patient care setting. Asked about her experience volunteering with Lori’s Hands, Joan said, “I’ve learned so much about long term care and how illness really affects an individual and their families. I appreciate the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and grow from these experiences.”

Ankita Prasad, Neuroscience, with a Violin Performance Minor

Ankita, who will be taking a gap year before starting medical school, said that volunteering with Lori’s Hands has been a meaningful part of her college experience because “I’ve…been able to see firsthand the effects that chronic illness can have on my clients’ day-to-day lives, and Lori’s Hands has allowed me to make an actual positive difference in my clients’ lives while befriending them and getting to know them.”

Amanda Maloney, Medical Diagnostics, with Minors in Spanish for Healthcare and Biological Sciences

After graduation, Amanda is heading off to medical school. From all of us at Lori’s Hands, thank you, Amanda, for your dedication to your clients, and congratulations!

Alexa Rodriguez, Medical Diagnostics with a Minor in Genetic Counseling

Alexa, who formed a deep bond with her client Gayle, says of volunteering: “Lori’s Hands has been one of the most special parts of my college experience!” Next up for Alexa is dental school in Philadelphia!

Avery Strongin, Medical Diagnostics, Pre-PA

Like many of our students who are preparing for careers in health care, Avery found volunteering with Lori’s Hands beneficial to her future career, saying, “I have become more knowledgeable about different chronic illnesses and how people have to navigate through their lives with this diagnosis.” After graduation, Avery is heading off to graduate school to become a physician’s assistant.

Jessie Dejneka, Exercise Science, with Minors in Spanish for Healthcare and Biology

Jessie, who is currently applying to physician assistant programs, says of the relationships she built with her client: “I will value these interactions and use what I have learned in my future career in healthcare.”

Congratulations and best of luck to all of our graduates! You can celebrate a graduating student volunteer and help us ensure meaningful service learning opportunities are available to students for years to come by making a gift in your graduate’s honor: