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Welcome to Lori’s Hands Community Voices series! Each week on this series, we hear from different Lori’s Hands clients about their lives and stories, and we think about the ways that each person’s life can teach us about health.

Both clients and students made this project possible. Student volunteers conducted research, coordinated logistics, and interviewed clients. Clients gave hours of their time, learned to use handheld voice recorders, and shared candidly about their families, their careers, their communities, and the things that bring them joy.

This series gives the Lori’s Hands community a chance to hear from people who have made such a difference in student volunteers’ lives — people who most of us might otherwise never meet — and to appreciate these clients for their generosity, their strengths, and their wisdom.

The Lori’s Hands Community Voices podcast was produced by Jennifer McCord with support from Lori’s Hands student volunteers. To learn more about the podcast project, visit our blog.

Click here to read transcripts of the episodes.

Find all of these episodes wherever you listen to podcasts:

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Consider providing direct support to a Lori’s Hands client through a contribution to the Sunny Day Fund. Sunny Day Fund projects address tangible needs and brighten our clients’ days.