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A Message from Lori’s Hands Executive Director Zach Barton

2023 was a transformative year for Lori’s Hands, marked by new leadership, exciting achievements, and a continued commitment to our mission. Read along as Executive Director Zach Barton reflects on our progress, milestones, successes, and impact over the last year.


From Our Students and Clients

Our Impact


Adults with chronic illness received regular visits from Lori’s Hands student volunteers.


Student and community volunteers gained valuable experience through service-learning, community clinical rotations, internships, pre-med and pre-Physician’s Assistant contact hours, and involvement in Lori’s Hands registered student organizations.


Hours volunteered to strengthen networks of support for people with chronic illness.

Academic Partners

Lori’s Hands creates meaningful opportunities for college students, equipping them with the training and skills they need to succeed in their future careers. Our volunteers come to us through both formal academic partnerships and individuals seeking to make a difference in their communities. These experiences benefit the students and enrich the lives of the individuals and families they serve.

Since our founding by undergraduate students as a registered student organization at the University of Delaware in 2009, we have grown our footprint and expanded our programs to better serve the communities that welcome us. We are deeply grateful for the ongoing support of the many colleges, universities, professors, and administrators who partner with us, embrace our mission, and champion our programs’ invaluable impact on students’ education, personal growth, and ability to foster empathy and resilience.

Together, we continue to shape a generation of compassionate healthcare professionals, leaders, and community advocates.

Click the image below to zoom.

Donors and Community Partners

At Lori’s Hands, we are profoundly grateful for the generosity and support of our donors and community partners. Each contribution, whether large or small, is crucial in advancing our mission to connect clients and students through meaningful service learning and care. Your support sustains our programs, drives our growth, and expands our reach.

We are proud to spotlight some of our major funders from this past year—whose remarkable contributions have significantly furthered our mission. We deeply value their trust and partnership as we continue to make a difference together.


Our Commitment to Transparency

At Lori’s Hands, we believe in transparency and openness in everything we do. As a nonprofit, we are dedicated to being the best stewards of the donations and gifts entrusted to us. A key part of this responsibility is ensuring our IRS Form 990 is available for public viewing. This form provides a detailed look at how we manage our resources to ensure we stay aligned with our mission and maximize our impact. We invite you to explore and learn more.

Edward Richards Memorial Scholarship

In memory of Edward Richards, a cherished former client of Lori’s Hands, we honor his legacy by awarding two $1,000 scholarships to outstanding student volunteers. Through a competitive application process, a panel of Lori’s Hands stakeholders carefully selected student volunteers who exemplified Ed’s spirit of service and compassion.

This year’s recipients have not only made a lasting impact on the lives of their clients but also enriched their own learning experiences through empathy and connection. Below, you can watch their winning essays that capture their remarkable volunteer experiences.

Antonia Gitau
Eastern Michigan University
Metro Detroit, MI

Antonia is pursuing a major in Psychology with a minor in Human Biology at Eastern Michigan University, with plans to graduate at the end of 2024. Antonia became one of our earliest student volunteers in Metro Detroit, joining Lori’s Hands in April 2022. She was instrumental in launching a Lori’s Hands registered student organization at Eastern Michigan University, further expanding our reach and impact on campus. In 2023, she took on greater responsibilities by joining the Ambassador Council, where she played a pivotal role in shaping the direction of our Metro Detroit chapter. Her contributions have been invaluable, and she continues to inspire her peers and the community through her commitment and leadership.

Grace Kubitz
Wayne State University
Metro Detroit, MI

Grace is pursuing her Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy at Wayne State University, with plans to graduate in 2024. She initially joined Lori’s Hands as part of her academic curriculum, but what began as a course requirement quickly evolved into a deeply meaningful experience. Grace formed such a strong bond with her client that she continued volunteering long after her academic requirements were fulfilled. She and her volunteer partner made it a priority to maintain regular communication, ensuring they called, texted, and visited their client at least once a week. Grace’s dedication to her client reflects her sincere passion for her future profession and her deep sense of responsibility to those she serves.

Who We Are

Board of Directors

Board Chair, Co-Founder
Board Secretary, Co-Founder
Richard A.
Board Treasurer
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member


Executive Director
Program Director
Chapter Manager Newark, DE
Chapter Manager Baltimore, MD
Chapter Manager Metro Detroit, MI

Our Mission

Lori’s Hands builds mutually beneficial partnerships between community members with chronic illness and college students, fostering empathy, connection, and resilience. Students provide practical assistance to support community members’ independence at home, and community members share their health and life experiences to support students’ learning.

Our Vision

Lori’s Hands envisions a more equitable world in which every person can age with dignity and interconnection in their community and in which every person’s strengths are appreciated and shared.


We strive for accuracy in every detail of this report, but should you find an error—such as your name being misspelled, omitted, or placed under the wrong heading—please accept our apologies. We are committed to ensuring all information is correct and will promptly address any discrepancies.

Please notify us at of any corrections, and we will update our records accordingly.