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Dear Friends and Supporters,

As I reflect on my first year as Executive Director of Lori’s Hands, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and excitement for our organization’s future. Since stepping into this role in July 2023, I have had the privilege of witnessing our profound impact on our communities and the deep, transformative connections we foster between students and community members.

A key moment in our journey last year was the leadership transition. After serving as Executive Director since 2017, Maggie Ratnayake transitioned to a new role as our part-time Program Director. This shift allows Maggie to pursue her personal and professional aspirations while continuing to bring her invaluable expertise to Lori’s Hands. We are deeply grateful that Maggie remains a vital part of our team, and we look forward to her continued contributions as we chart our course forward.

One of the most rewarding aspects of my role has been visiting our clients and students across our three chapter locations in Delaware, Maryland, and Michigan. Seeing the positive impact of our programs and the powerful stories of those we serve have been constant reminders of why our work is so essential. What keeps the Lori’s Hands staff and me striving every day to do better are comments like this from a client’s loved one, “My mom considers Lori’s Hands her family. She loves every one of you. Past and present. Thank you all.”

2023 was a year of remarkable achievements for Lori’s Hands, which have not gone unnoticed. Lori’s Hands was honored with the Highmark Foundation’s inaugural Bright Blue Futures Award as a Rising Star, recognizing our unique approach to enhancing community health. We were also named the recipient of the 2023 Madeline Lambrecht Community Excellence in Quality of Life Care Award by the Delaware Quality of Life Coalition, which celebrates organizations that tirelessly support individuals facing chronic illness. We are incredibly proud of these accolades, which affirm the value and impact of our mission.

We established our first Registered Student Organization (RSO) in our Metro Detroit Chapter at Eastern Michigan University. This milestone holds special significance as Lori’s Hands originated as an RSO at the University of Delaware in 2009 before evolving into a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (2011) and expanding our service footprint into Maryland (2020) and Michigan (2022). This expansion is a testament to the enduring strength of our mission. Additionally, our participation in the final Home Instead Charities Give65 summer fundraiser was both a highlight and a bittersweet moment. With the overwhelming support of our community, we raised over $11,500 and placed second nationally in the small to medium-sized nonprofit tier for most donors. This achievement underscores the unwavering dedication of our supporters, for which we are deeply thankful.

Our chapters continue to flourish, serving more clients and students than ever before. In addition to our core services, each chapter hosted impactful spring and fall service events, fundraisers, and social mixers to strengthen our network and support those in our communities. Our Board of Directors, leadership committees, and local Ambassador Councils have continued to grow and improve, ensuring that we are well-equipped to meet the needs of those we serve.

As we look ahead, I am filled with anticipation for the growth and opportunities that await us. Thank you to everyone who has supported Lori’s Hands this year. Your generosity, dedication, and belief in our mission make everything we do possible.

With gratitude,

Zach Barton
Executive Director, Lori’s Hands