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Lori’s Hands is thrilled to announce that we have received funding from Community Care Corps to launch a Lori’s Hands chapter in Baltimore, MD!

We’re planning to work with student volunteers from Johns Hopkins University and other university partners to provide essential support to Baltimoreans living with chronic illness. As students volunteer, they’ll be gaining invaluable experience and insight they’ll apply to their future careers in health and helping professions. Funding will also support our further expansion in New Castle County, Delaware!

Community Care Corps is a new national program created to support innovative local programs, using volunteers to help older adults, persons with disabilities, and family caregivers in need of nonmedical assistance to remain living in their homes. Tens of millions of Americans are in critical need of assistance with simple household tasks, daily errands, and transportation. Many also need increased companionship to avert the devastating effects of isolation. The support is vital for individuals to maintain the ability to live independently.

Community Care Corps grants are being awarded to local organizations across the country to establish, enhance, and grow innovative volunteer models. Community Care Corps is granting $2.44 million to 20 innovative local programs nationwide, including Lori’s Hands. The program was extremely competitive. One hundred eighty-three organizations from 45 states plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico applied for funds for their programs totaling more than $23 million.

Community Care Corps, through a cooperative agreement with the federal Administration for Community Living (ACL), is led by four national non-profit organizations: The Oasis Institute, Caregiver Action Network, National Association of Area Agencies on Aging, and Altarum. For more information about Community Care Corps and a list of the 2020 grantees, please visit

Join us in celebrating this important milestone you have helped make possible! Baltimore, here we come!

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