It was a mere two weeks into my freshman year of college. I was still feeling unbalanced and not quite a part of anything yet, but I was determined to find something to dedicate my time to. A lady at an Activities Fair suggested I check out a service group on campus called Lori’s Hands. She said the club was founded by a former UD student, which impressed me greatly because starting a service organization is on my personal bucket list. I emailed the president (my now good friend, Lisa) and asked how I could get started. What she told me was very simple: “We aid people who have been diagnosed with chronic illnesses. We do yard work, grocery shopping, hands on things they are now unable to do because of their illness. We like people to volunteer at least three times a semester.” I thought, “Perfect, not too time consuming but still productive.”
I just recently completed my freshman year of college and can tell you my education and life has been so positively changed because of this amazing service organization a lady told me about called Lori’s Hands. I expected to spend a few hours a semester volunteering my time with elders and in return gain minimal self-pride in knowing that at least I had done something other than school work or hang out with my friends that year. But instead, Lori’s Hands gave me more than I ever thought possible, and I am only one-fourth of the way done with my college career. Just in the last few months, I made incredible friends (of all ages), gained leadership experience (as the club’s Fundraising Chair), shared laughs at clients’ homes (Edna and Warren are a hilarious couple), and even landed an awesome internship with our organization (we’re now officially a non-profit!). The people I’ve been privileged to meet have shared life stories with us and I’ve reciprocated with sharing mine. The interactions that take place between our volunteers and clients are genuine and light-hearted, and benefit everyone involved.
Lori’s Hands attracts many nursing majors due to the fact that we work with medically ill elders, but people with a variety of educational backgrounds make up our organization. I’m a Communications major/Advertising minor and visiting and interacting with our clients has improved my interpersonal skills I will use in a future career as well as in life in general. Anybody can and will benefit from being a Lori’s Hands volunteer. If you’re a UD student, come check out for yourself what this remarkable organization can offer to you and what you can offer to us. We’re always welcoming new members (and now students!) who are energetic and willing to make a difference in the lives of chronically ill elders. Soon I hope to be encouraging students at other colleges and universities to become part of the Lori’s Hands family. Big things are in store for the future of this organization, and I encourage everyone to come along for the journey. If you are interested in seeing more what Lori’s Hands is about, don’t hesitate to visit our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter (@LorisHands).
“We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.” – Dr. Loretta Scott

Sydney (second from L) and fellow officers accept their Jefferson Youth Challenge Award for Public Service