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Hannah Markle’s introduction to Lori’s Hands came four years ago, not long after she transferred to the University of Delaware. A student volunteer visited a class she was taking to drum up interest in the intergenerational service learning organization.

Markle forgot the name of the class, but the volunteer’s passionate depiction of Lori’s Hands remains burned into her memory. “I felt like that energy was a direct reflection of how the organization itself works,” she said. “I wanted to be a part of that.”

These days, Markle is the one energizing other people to be part of the Lori’s Hands community as the Baltimore chapter continues its expansion.

Markle, who is working on her graduate degree in microbiology and immunology at Johns Hopkins University, took on a community engagement internship with the Baltimore chapter earlier this year. Now, she is helping senior program manager Tiaira Harris organize a Lori’s Hands ambassador council, made up of local people in the community who can offer insights into how the organization can grow and find support in Baltimore.

The council will meet for the first time next month, and Markle is excited for the chance to share her perspective as a long-time Lori’s Hands volunteer.

“I have been here for so long. And I’ve kind of seen, you know, all the different different levels,” she said. “I’m excited to share that with some of the people in Baltimore so they can really understand the depth of this organization.”

Says Harris, “Hannah has been an amazing and integral thought partner to me here in Baltimore. I have learned so much about the volunteer experience through working with Hannah. She is always so willing to jump in and provide me with all types of support. She is the perfect example of the ideal Lori’s Hands volunteer and community partner all wrapped into one. I love having her on my team!”

When she was younger, Markle thought she’d go to medical school but then she discovered research was her passion. She didn’t want to miss out on the human interaction, which is part of the reason why Lori’s Hands is so important to her.

Getting a glimpse at some of the day-to-day challenges that come with growing an organization has given Markle an even deeper appreciation for Lori’s Hands and the people who make the organization the vibrant, dynamic experience that it is. The experience motivates her to keep Lori’s Hands in the community conversation.

“When you’re a volunteer, it’s like, I’m driving today to visit a client and it’s great. It’s amazing to have this friendship,” Markle said. “But you don’t see everything that goes into it behind the scenes. I could have never imagined all of the things that Tiaira and Maggie do. There’s so much that goes into it. So, it’s really been great to be able to support that, even in the smallest way.”

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