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This week we turn the blog over to Kylie Wierzbicki. Kylie recently completed an internship with Lori’s Hands. Kylie attends the University of Delaware. She is majoring in Sociology with a health and health services concentration and will graduate in 2020. She then plans to attend an accelerated nursing program to obtain her BSN; she ultimately hopes to become a pediatric nurse practitioner.

As part of her internship, Kylie visited a number of Lori’s Hands clients on a weekly basis. Below she reflects on the relationship she formed with one of her clients.

The bright-eyed woman in the center of this photo is a Lori’s Hands client named Jane. Years ago, Jane had a spinal fusion surgery. Unfortunately, that operation didn’t go well. The surgeon severed a bundle of nerves at the base of her spine. Due to this, Jane continues to have issues with bending down and being on her feet for extended periods of time.

Even though what Jane is struggling with is draining, nothing stops her. Jane takes her misfortunes and expresses them in beautiful pieces of art. Upon meeting her, she shared with my partner Joan and I some of her works. She creates beautiful trees made of wire that are twisted together. Wire ‘branches’ looped into multitudes of small figure eights to give texture. The tiny loops with many beads threaded onto them look just like leaves. Jane truly can turn anything into a masterpiece of art.

Jane is a very inspiring woman as she doesn’t let her troubles rob her of her joy. I’m sure, as any patient does, she has her days. Yet, it’s the mere fact that she welcomes my partner and me into her home with a bright smile and open arms that amazes me the most. I don’t think I’ll ever meet a woman as bright, charismatic, and loving as Jane. I truly think that, in some way, we were meant to meet. I’m forever grateful for Lori’s Hands bringing us together. I now have a new life-long friend.

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