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During this time of practicing physical distancing, we need to be more purposeful than ever to maintain social connections. That’s why, every Friday, Lori’s Hands is sharing with you 7 ways you can stay active and connected, one for each day of the week. Be sure to take a picture of your activity to share with your Lori’s Hands client or volunteer and post it on social media using #LH7Days7Ways. Let’s stay connected.

1. Sort out and get rid of old/unneeded cleaning supplies, cosmetics, and condiments.

2. Watch Oscar award winning movies and choose your favorite.

3. Make a meal using your all time favorite recipe.

4. Write out five pieces of advice for younger generations – don’t forget to share them!

5. Exercise – try stretching, leg lifts, or chair yoga.

6. Watch livestreams of a different animal at the Cincinnati Zoo everyday at 3pm on Facebook:

7. Write a paragraph or record a short video about one thing you know about that others may be interested in learning (knitting, gardening, cooking, pet care, etc.)

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