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Hi Sarah,

Happy autumn! I wanted to send a note to let you know what I am up to these days.

This June, I volunteered with the Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement (DANA) to support their annual conference. I acted as an on-the-ground reporter, interviewing attendees, taking session notes, and crafting a post-conference news release, which was picked up by the Delaware Business Times and the Cape Gazette  

The conference led to another exciting opportunity. I met Tim Gibbs, Executive Director of the Delaware Academy of Medicine/Delaware Public Health Association, and began a summer internship writing articles for the Delaware Journal of Public Health. For my first project, I wrote a glossary of terms related to violence as a public health issue and created a directory of Delaware organizations that work to prevent or address the effects of violence. I recently completed the first comprehensive guide of health-related data collection projects taking place across the state.

These experiences inspired me to pursue a master’s degree in public health, a passion of mine since I volunteered with Lori’s Hands. I’m thrilled to let you know that I was accepted to Thomas Jefferson University, and had my first day of class yesterday. I’m living in Philadelphia and plan to complete my degree over the next two years.

I’m so grateful for the way that Lori’s Hands helped me to serve others and learn about all facets of health, especially the social and emotional components. I wrote about my experience for my grad school application, and I still keep in touch my LH client, Nancy.

I hope you’re doing well, and I look forward to keeping in touch!



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